Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Blog bloggity blog blog blog

My little sister seems to think that I have been lacking in my blogability. I actually had to go to church this morning and confess my sins. I said, "Forgive me, father, it has been 16 days since my last blog."
Unfortunately for y'all, I just worked for 13 and 1/2 hours, and I feel retarded. So you're just gonna have to take what you can get.
I think I said like 50 times in the last two weeks that I was going to blog about something. But I didn't. Because I'm lame. So here's some highlights (and who knows, maybe a couple of teasers):
The Precipice of Tar Tarnia
The Son of El Douche (I know, not as long, though.)
"That girl is louder than the fire alarm!" (Not really about me, but I decided it should be. That's probably what my teachers said about me behind my back, too.)

I like my blog. I hope you all like my blog. I will do my very best to update it more often. As you can see, I didn't stick to my resolution for very long. Typical. As my friend Dennis put it, though, "You had me at diphthong." Awesome.

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