Monday, November 19, 2007

jewelry making marathons and the UCU

Making jewelry for 20 hours this weekend was a good time. Nice and relaxing. The only way better to spend the weekend is doing yardwork. That's a little more relaxing, I think. I am pretty fortunate, though, I have some really really good friends who wanted to spend the weekend working as a cog in my little machine for nothing more than Cyndy's and a haircut. So, 11 days until the show, hopefully I won't go completely crazy before then. Check out or sweet gems at the Urban Craft Uprising Seattle 1st and 2nd at Seattle Center or or

Just in case you didn't notice, I have a little too much fun on the ol' internet.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Like, really? For real?

Do we really need another frickin movie directed by Tim Burton and starring....guess who....Johnny Depp? Are we really that hard up for entertainment that we want to watch the same reprocessed crap over and over and over and over and over again? You know what I miss? I miss when Tim Burton used to actually make good movies. You know, the ones that weren't just Johnny Depp acting like a freak in weird costumes. Oh wait, no, that happened in one of the good ones too. It was just so much cooler, like, 15 years ago when it happened the first time. Are you kidding me with this shit? Give it a break, Tim. You're done.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The law of "top friends"

I didn't know it was such a big deal what order your "top friends" on myspace were in. I thought it was more like you really like those people, so you want to see their faces when you check your myspace, which is so fucking Dennis anyways. But apparently, what I did not know was on the myspace popularity contest, if you get moved too low in your friends' top friends, you are a loser. This is the word on the street. Therefore, I am going to have a rotating #1 friend, and it will change as often as my moods do. I will let you know when you will get your chance of being my #1. I might even let you take me out for a beer for the opportunity. Applications are now being accepted.

Monday, October 15, 2007

I'm pretty sure....

But not positive...I don't think I will survive the winter. The rain has barely gotten here and already I'm agitated. I feel like hitting pedestrians with my car and kicking puppies and just generally being an asshole. It's gonna be a long winter. Guess I better drink more.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Uranus is cool.

Tonight I watched a show on the Discovery Channel. It was about Pluto and how it's not really a planet. They talked about Uranus a lot. It's really fun how hard astronomers try to not say Uranus (like yer-anus). I couldn't be an astronomer. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face. The best part is because they're trying so hard not to say anus, they say Uranus (like urine-us) which just makes me laugh even more. Jenna kept telling me I was retarded cause I snickered the whole time. I didn't really care. Anuses are pretty funny. Then I thought, which was named first? Uranus? Or your anus? Like, I mean, anus. Not yours per se. Kind of like which came first the chicken or the egg? One could sit and ponder for days.

Jenna's anus is named Kipper. Mine's Ted.

By the way, I know anus humor is very juvenile. I just don't care. I laughed so hard writing this blog. Uranus. Think about it.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

What I'd like for my anniversary.......

You know, for those special occasions in your life like anniversaries, there is a traditional gift giving system. On your first year, you get paper. On your second, you get cotton. Third, leather. Fourth, linen. And so on, until we get to year ten, which is supposed to be tin or aluminum.

My friend Dennis and I are nearing our tenth anniversary. I met Dennis on a cool fall day, at my parent's drycleaners where I was working. It was cool, we sat outside and smoked cigarettes. Dennis was dating my friend Matt, and Matt wanted me to meet him. We were insta-best buddy friends. Dennis has been one of my favorites for a long time. Then, we kinda fell out of touch for a few years. On my first weekend in Seattle, I went to a party and randomly found Dennis. We were insta-best buddy friends all over again. It was pretty rad.

I was sitting on my couch with Dennis the other night and we were awestruck that we had known each other for a decade. It's completely unbelievable. So I said, "What are you getting me for our anniversary?" and Dennis had a quick witted (aka dick head) response. "I think I'm going to give you a paper plate, to symbolize how disposable our realtionship is."

Ummmmmm....helllloooo Dennis. The first anniversary is supposed to be paper. Not that you gave me any paper then. Dick. You're so cheap you couldn't even get me a frickin roll of aluminum foil. Or a tin can. A paper plate. I pretty much hate you.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007